Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Patience, Perseverance, and Reaching Out

What then is time?  If no one asks me, I know what it is.  If I wish to explain it to him who asks, I do not know.

 - Saint Augustine

Today marked an incredible event in our adoption journey; we passed court in Ghana!  While technical in nature, what this means, in essence, is that we are now legally the proud adoptive parents of Koby and Kwame, and we could not be more excited!

Kofi and Koby at Court!
 It should be noted, however, that the journey to bring the boys into our home, and more specifically, into our family, still has a ways to go, although it is fair to say that the finish line is now easier to visualize.  While we'll refrain from throwing out speculative guesses, we can say that it will still be a matter of months before the boys are finally here.

Kwame and Koby with
friend's daughter at court!
We were fortunate enough to receive feedback relative to today's court proceedings from another family that was kind enough to take care packages down to the boys this week while they visited and physically attended court today with the children they are adopting.  They said the boys were adorable, and despite the long day, behaved terrifically.  They were also, we were informed, thrilled to receive their packages!

The thrill of today is very difficult to describe, perhaps because it's not the only emotion that we encountered regarding the magnitude of what actually occurred in Ghana.  We would be remiss to not add that our hearts were also touched deeply by the fact that the boys were in court with their biological mother throughout the proceeding.

Kwame and Koby and their
mother Elizabeth at court.
As we have mentioned previously, we are profoundly touched by what the boys' mother is doing for them, and for us.  It seems more than fair to state that few of us can actually imagine the heartache that she had to feel today in that courtroom, granting final acceptance of giving up her two sons to a family thousands of miles away that she has met only once.

We want to thank all of our friends and family members that have continued to support us emotionally, financially, and spiritually.  A number of people have asked us about the lull in blog posting and we apologize that it's been so long since our last post.  There are some reasons, however, that we hope people will understand.

First, as you know if you've been following our posts, the adoption process is long.  If you think it seems long to you, imagine what it feels like to us.

After we returned from spending a week with the boys in Accra, it was difficult for us to spend a lot of time talking or writing about them after awhile without feeling quite sad in how much we missed them.  We tended to avoid not only blogging, but also even visiting the Ghana Facebook group we're in because reading about other people's delays or references to time made the process all the more difficult.

Second, and of more significance (we believe) is the fact that upon returning from Africa, we felt a strong calling to do even more than just adopt two beautiful boys, thus we have been busy starting (with the help of some incredible friends) our own nonprofit corporation!  For those of you that haven't started a corporation yet, it takes a bit of!

We can't discuss a lot of details yet because we're still establishing corporate structure and finalizing some other aspects, however we can share that the corporation does formally exist and we hope to be unveiling a LOT more information very soon!  It's a concept that became very apparent relative to need while we were in Ghana and was solidified in working with some unbelievably compassionate people and organizations upon our return to the States.


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